Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, provide a powerful framework for tackling global issues and building a sustainable future for all. As an active member of the UN Global Compact since 2016, it makes perfect sense for the Group to support the SDGs. Therefore, BESIX Group adopted the SDGs in 2017, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable development.

Our commitment

The Group works on innovative and sustainable solutions that make a significant difference to society, communities and future generations.  In this context, BESIX Group focuses on specific objectives where it can make a significant difference, using the SDGs as a guide.

BESIX Group actively supports the Agenda 2030’s peace, humanity, planet and prosperity goals, aiming for sustainable solutions that benefit society and future generations.

BESIX Group has identified 10 SDGs on which it can have a direct and positive impact:

The Group is particularly focused on SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and SDG 13 (Climate action), based on the conviction that these goals are in line with the Group’s core activities and that these are the SDGs to which it can add the most value.


BESIX Group became a partner of CIFAL in 2023, a UNITAR-affiliated centre of expertise on the SDGs, which provides training, project development and coaching.

This organisation supports BESIX Group in using the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework to plan its societal objectives and train its employees. This initiative is not only a response to the growing need for sustainable solutions in the market, but also a strategic step to prepare the Group for a sustainable future.

BESIX Group is also a member of the CIFAL Board of Directors since January 2024.

SDG Pioneer trajectory

CIFAL manages the PCA2030 sustainability trajectory, empowered by UNITAR. This programme defines three levels of ambition for achieving the SDGs: SDG Pioneers, SDG Champions and SDG Ambassadors, in line with the UN2030 agenda.

In 2024, BESIX Group is taking the SDG Pioneer path, raising its ambition to become SDG-proof. This level focuses on integrating the SDGs transversally throughout an organisation, representing an outside-in approach. Over the next years, the Group will demonstrate its ambitious action plan covering all aspects of the 5 Ps of the 2030 Agenda - People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnership and Peace - and will report on the dedicated objectives.

The trajectory is an opportunity for organisations to learn, implement and communicate on the SDGs. Achieving each level of this programme is a prestigious recognition, embodied by a UNITAR Training Certificate.

SDGs Awareness Campaign within the Group

In 2023, BESIX Group launched a comprehensive SDG Awareness Campaign to engage its employees and increase their participation in the sustainability agenda. These sessions, in partnership with CIFAL, help BESIX teams understand the SDGs and their relevance for the organisation. Employees can contribute to BESIX Group’s sustainability goals by incorporating sustainable principles into their daily tasks.

At BESIX Group, we strongly believe in aligning our business strategies and operations with these goals to make a positive impact on the world. Going forward, we will continue to support our colleagues to integrate sustainability into their roles and projects by providing them with the necessary knowledge and resources.

The sessions also aim to evaluate the Group’s current selection of SDGs and, if necessary, to update this SDG selection in line with the continuous evolution towards sustainability.

The SDG Awareness Campaign will be rolled out further in 2024, as it is not only a response to the increasing demand for sustainable solutions in the market, but also a proactive step to prepare the Group for a sustainable future.

BESIX Group is committed to investing in circularity and developing sustainable solutions to create a positive impact for generations to come.