Émirats Arabes Unis, Abu Dhabi

Baynunah Tower

Trois tours en une
La Baynunah Tower construite par BESIX est une triple tour qui culmine à 163 mètres de haut. Ce prestigieux immeuble d’appartements abrite aussi un hôtel, des infrastructures sportives, six niveaux de parking… et une quantité impressionnante de marbre et de granite.

A trio of elegance

In the centre of the UAE’s largest emirate, BESIX built a tower with multiple facets: an elegant union of three towers, structured around a cylindrical core with space for lifts and water tanks, and containing 25, 31 and 37 floors respectively. At the time of its completion, it was the region’s tallest tower and its first built in high-strength concrete (micro-silicates).


In addition to the hotel, the tower comprises residential apartments, suites, parking garages and a fitness centre with pool. The ground floor opens onto a shopping mall. The top of the building hosts a telecommunications centre, while an adjoining building houses the management offices.

Cette tour est un magnifique témoignage du dynamisme de BESIX ainsi que de sa volonté d’innover et de repousser les limites de son savoir-faire.

Concrete, marble and granite

The tower’s concrete structure was built on a foundation of drilled reinforced concrete piles. The royal blue glass curtain wall façades offer superb views of the sea and the city of Abu Dhabi. Decorated with arabesque motifs, the concrete façades of the three outer cylinders contain the emergency stairs and the exterior lifts. Floors and wall coverings inside the apartments and suites make heavy use of marble and high-quality granite.

Détails du projet

Nom du projetBaynunah Tower
LocalisationAbu Dhabi, Émirats Arabes Unis
Période de construction1992 - 1995
Nos domaines d’expertiseGratte-ciels, Hôtels
Parties prenantesSix Construct
ArchitecteArkan Architects Consultants
ClientSon Altesse Cheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyane - Département des Services Sociaux et des Bâtiments Commerciaux, Émirats Arabes Unis
Valeur totale euro€ 44.000.000


Benoit Vadani

Benoit Vadani

Acquisition and Development Manager