Émirats Arabes Unis, Ajman

Station de traitement des eaux usées d'Ajman

Un cas d'école de gestion des eaux usées au Moyen-Orient
Depuis 2006, Ajman Sewerage (ASPCL) joue un rôle central dans la gestion des eaux usées de l’Émirat d’Ajman. La société associe BESIX, qui en détient 40 %, au Gouvernement d’Ajman (40 %) et à Veolia (20 %). Premier PPP créé au Moyen-Orient dans ce domaine, ASPCL a construit l’ensemble du réseau de collecte et des installations de traitement des eaux usées de l’Émirat, jusqu’alors inexistants. ASPCL continue aujourd’hui à gérer ces infrastructures et à les développer afin d’accompagner l’évolution d’Ajman et d’intégrer de nouvelles technologies dans ses opérations. C’est le cas, en 2019, d’un investissement qui permettra à la station d’épuration de produire elle-même une partie de ses besoins, via la transformation des boues d'épuration en biogaz. À nouveau une première dans la région.

The first successful wastewater treatment PPP scheme in the region

In the past, the Emirate of Ajman had no sewage treatment infrastructure. Through a combination of septic tanks and tanker transportation, wastewater was disposed of in an open lagoon, creating many environmental problems. Water is a scarce resource. Treatment, therefore, offers an alternative source that is both sustainable and economically advantageous. With the GoA, BESIX has played a pioneering role in this field. By establishing a modern sewerage system in Ajman, ASPCL has eliminated the risks to public health and environment linked to the discharge of untreated water. 

La station est un actif stratégique pour l'Emirat car il fournit de précieux services à la population. Je me réjouis également de relever les nombreux défis qui nous attendent, comme l'introduction de nouvelles politiques, l'augmentation du recyclage des effluents au sens le plus large et la mise à l'essai de nouvelles technologies.

25-year PPP (Public Private Partnership)

The partnership is based on a BOOT concession structure with collection risk shared between the concession company, the government and BESIX Equity Investment.

Clean water for the whole of Ajman

In 2016, Six Construct was rehired by ASPCL to design and build an extension to the Ajman wastewater treatment plant. Since its completion in 2018, 450 kilometres of underground sewers collect wastewater from 175,000 households and transport it via different pumping stations to the treatment plant on the outskirts of the city of Ajman. The wastewater treatment plant processes this water, but also wastewater from buildings not yet connected to the sewerage network. That wastewater is delivered to the plant by tank trucks. The wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 140,000m³, making it the most important treatment plan in Ajman. 

The wastewater, once treated, can be reused. 40% of it is used for unrestricted irriation of all of Ajman's landscape and greenery. 10% of the water is treated to an even higher standard by SAFI, and used for commercial and industrial applications. The plant operates 24/7 with an advanced management system, including preventive maintenance. 

The story continues

Six Construct was entrusted to carry out the engineering, procurement and construction for the expansion of ASPCL’s existing wastewater treatment plant in Ajman's Al Jurf Industrial area. The new plant is set to increase the treatment capacity to 120,000 m³/day.

Détails du projet

Nom du projetStation de traitement des eaux usées d'Ajman
LocalisationAjman United Arab Emirates
Période de construction2003 - 2007
Parties prenantesSix Construct
Type de contratDesign, Build, Finance & Maintenance
ClientAjman Swerage (Pvt) Co. Ltd.
Valeur totale euro€ 75000000
Maintenance parBESIX Concessions & Assets
Période de maintenance2003 - 2028
