Bawang pile

A Bawang pile is a low energy driven full-displacement pile with an enlarged base. For this purpose, the lower part of the steel casing pile is provided with a slitted sleeve. Bawang is Indonesian for onion.

Construction sequence

1. Positioning of the tube and forming of a plug of dry concrete to seal the bottom of the first permanent tube. Using a free-fall hammer to compact the plug that facilitates the driving of the lower tube segment into the soil.

2. Welding of the additional tube elements of limited length and continuation of the driving phase.

3. Driving to the required installation depth

4. & 5. When the required depth has been reached, additional dry concrete is poured within the slitted part of the steel tube thereby enlarging the plug, expelling it in the zone of the slots, opening the tube and forming an expanded base.

6. Placement of the reinforcement

7. Casting concrete

Construction chart

Fields of application

• Optimal geotechnical behaviour

• In confined, narrow and difficult to access working areas

• In aggressive soil conditions and contaminated soils

• Suitable in soils with strong underground flow of water

• Well-suited for piling through cavities or very soft and unstable top or intermediate layers of soil where overconsumption of concrete is likely to occur.

• Where the cut-off level is located above the ground level

• Possibility to maintain with great accuracy the concrete level: execution of non-concreted lengths is possible

• Wide range: industrial projects, infrastructure, hydraulic engineering works, railway works, housing construction, rehabilitation, renovation…

Environmental impact

• Limited vibrations

• Limited noise pollution since driving is performed inside the tube

• No soil removal (soil displacement pile)

• A stable, dry and flat work platform is required

Technical specifications

• Pile shaft diameter from 219 up to 406 mm

• Pile base diameter depending on the amount of dry concrete that is expelled.

• Inclined piles with an inclination up to 1/3

• Allowable bearing capacity up to 1.000 kN