TEP pile

A TEP pile (Tube Enfoncé Pneumatiquement) is a pneumatically hand-driven displacement pile. The pile consists of a permanent steel tube of very small diameter, driven with a pneumatic hammer and then injected.

Construction chart

Construction sequence

1. & 2. Driving of the first casing segment, at its base sealed by a lost closing nut tip

The second casing tube is welded or sleeved to the first one and also driven using a pneumatic hammer.

Driving the different steel tubes, welded or sleeved together, continues until the refusal and / or the required length has been obtained.

3. Cement grout is injected at the base of the pile and moves up along the casing tubes: injection outside and inside the pile.

4. The completed TEP pile.

Fields of application

• Pile foundation withstanding reduced loads, suitable in confined spaces or in areas with limited headroom and / or restricted access

• Underpinning of existing buildings and stabilization

Environmental impact

• Lateral soil displacement

• No spoil because no soil extraction of soil – no removal of soil from the job site

• Limited vibration and noise pollution

• A dry work platform is needed

Technical specifications

• Length of tube segments variable, but mostly 1 m long

• Injection hole at the bottom of the tube

• Allowable bearing capacity up to maximum 120 kN

• Possibility to resist tensile loads

• Pile installed with a pneumatic hammer, involving soil displacement

• Pile installed with a small drilling equipment, see FORATEP pile